What is aromatherapy?

Qu'est ce que l'aromathérapie?

What is aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is an ancient practice that uses the properties of essential oils to promote health and well-being. It is part of a holistic approach that sees health as a balance between body, mind and emotions. Highly prized among natural medicines, it offers a gentle, effective solution for improving quality of life. The […]

What is phytotherapy?

Qu'est-ce que la phytothérapie?

What is phytotherapy? Herbal medicine, a discipline as old as time itself, is gaining popularity in our modern society, where the return to natural approaches is booming. But what is it really, and why is there so much interest in it? Let’s explore the basics of phytotherapy, how it works, and its benefits for well-being. […]

What is homeopathy?

Qu'est ce que l'homéopathie

What is homeopathy? Homeopathy is an alternative therapeutic method that is gaining acceptance for its gentle, natural approach. Founded in the early 19th century by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy is based on the principle of « similars, » according to which a substance capable of causing symptoms in a healthy person can treat similar symptoms […]

How Phytotherapy Can Improve Everyday Health

Comment la phytothérapie peut améliorer la santé quotidienne

How Phytotherapy Can Improve Everyday Health For millennia, humanity has turned to plants not only for food but also for healing. Even today, a large proportion of medicines comes from active substances extracted from plants. The “simples” (basic plants and herbs), as they are traditionally called, are often the most effective plants because they are […]

Discover our Homeopathy Courses at the Academy of Professional Naturopaths and Naturotherapists (AcPNN)

Découvrez la formation en homéopathie de l'Academie Professionnelle des Naturopathes et Naturothérapeutes (AcPNN)

Discover our Homeopathy Courses at the Academy of Professional Naturopaths and Naturotherapists (AcPNN) Homeopathy is a gentle, natural, and effective method ideal for those who wish to restore balance to the body by stimulating its ability to heal. The Academy of Professional Naturopaths and Naturotherapists (AcPNN) offers comprehensive training in homeopathy, which includes several complementary disciplines, […]

Detoxification and Drainage: Your Guide to a Healthy Body

La detoxification et le drainage

Detoxification and Drainage: Your Guide to a Healthy Body In the modern era of proliferating innovation and progress, we have also inherited a less welcome burden: an abundance of chemicals and toxins. These substances, omnipresent in our daily environment, add to the toxins naturally produced by our own metabolism. While our bodies have innate detoxification […]

What Are the Most Important Roles of a Naturopath?

Quels sont les rôles les plus importants d'un naturopathe

What Are the Most Important Roles of a Naturopath? The naturopath, trained within prestigious institutions such as the Academy of Professional Naturopaths and Naturotherapists, is a key player in the field of natural and preventive health. As a holistic practitioner, from a renowned naturopathy school, he approaches health in all its facets, not only physical […]

How to Become a Naturopath in Quebec: Training and Recognition

Comment devenir un naturopathe au Québec

How to Become a Naturopath in Quebec: Training and Recognition If you are passionate about natural health and want to become a naturopath in Quebec, you are in a region where the profession of naturopathy is not regulated by law. Unlike other health professions, such as doctors or nurses, for example, there is no specific […]

Why Training in Naturopathy?

Pourquoi une formation en naturopathie

Why Training in Naturopathy? Whether you are starting your studies or are changing your career, the profession of y is a very interesting path which allows you to adopt a global vision of the human being through therapy and education. The naturopath only uses alternative medicine, supportive relationships and support towards a better lifestyle. Are […]

Good Reasons to Take Training in Naturopathy

Comment devenir naturopathe

good reasons to take training in naturopathy Whether you are starting your studies or changing careers, the profession of naturopathy is a very interesting path which allows you to adopt a global vision of the human being through therapy and education. The naturopath only uses alternative medicine, supportive relationships and support towards a better lifestyle. […]