What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is an alternative therapeutic method that is gaining acceptance for its gentle, natural approach. Founded in the early 19th century by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy is based on the principle of « similars, » according to which a substance capable of causing symptoms in a healthy person can treat similar symptoms in a sick person at extremely low doses. It may seem counterintuitive to some, but the benefits of homeopathy are well documented, especially when used to treat chronic conditions and common ailments.

Fundamental principles of homeopathy

Homeopathy differs from conventional medicine in its unique way of administering remedies. Unlike conventional medicine, which seeks to treat symptoms directly, homeopathy seeks to stimulate the body to heal itself. According to Hahnemann, homeopathic remedies are prepared through a process of dilution and dynamization that releases the energy of the substance without causing unwanted side effects.

The process of diluting active substances in water or alcohol creates extremely diluted remedies, sometimes to the point where the original substance is virtually absent. This has given rise to debate in the scientific community, with some skeptics questioning the efficacy of these remedies. However, many people testify to the beneficial effects of homeopathy in treating conditions such as allergies, headaches, digestive disorders and stress.

How does homeopathy act on the body?

Homeopathy works by stimulating the patient’s terrain, rather than treating symptoms in isolation. It believes that each individual has a vital force or energy of their own that can be disrupted by external factors such as stress, diet or even the environment. When a homeopathic remedy is administered, it acts to rebalance this energy, helping the body to return to its natural state of well-being.

For example, in the case of acute illnesses such as a cold or flu, a homeopathic remedy can be used to support the body’s immune response. Similarly, for chronic conditions, homeopathy seeks to understand a person’s overall profile and administer remedies that are specifically suited to them, depending on their general state of health, emotions and lifestyle.

Applications of homeopathy

Homeopathy can be used to treat a wide range of conditions. It is particularly effective for chronic problems such as joint pain, arthritis, and digestive disorders, as well as skin conditions such as eczema. It is also often recommended for emotional disorders such as anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

It is important to note, however, that homeopathy does not replace traditional medical treatment for serious or urgent illnesses. It can be used to complement other treatments, making it a versatile therapeutic option for those seeking a gentler, more natural approach to maintaining or regaining their health.


Homeopathy is a therapeutic method based on the use of highly diluted remedies to stimulate the body’s self-healing powers. Although it may seem surprising, many people find homeopathy to be an effective approach to treating a variety of conditions, with no adverse side effects. As natural health professionals, we at AcPNN encourage a balanced and informed approach to different therapies in order to guide our clients to the most appropriate method for their needs.

If you’d like to learn more about homeopathy and its application, take a look at our specialized training courses.


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